Courtney Blair

About my work

For this piece of work, I wanted to share my own experiences of my mental health in an impactful art-form, where both the materials and installation process are relative to the topic theme of this project.


The piece displays 100 test tubes that contain leaves and natural objects in a coloured order that I came across on a walk in a specific place I like to visit when my mental well-being becomes too overwhelming for me. I felt that epically during challenging times like these, it was important for me to express myself through this project piece as a means of helping me cope and come to terms with my difficult situation.


I found that reconnecting with nature was a remedy of sorts, and wanted to portray that through this work. I wanted to capture the highs and lows of this projects journey, and to show that I used materials and equipment to signify both of those factors. 


The tubes are suspended to show a large-scale spiral that descends downward, attached to a grid base structure. Trying to capture the movements and fluidity of how my mental health has progressed within time. 


Fine Art @ Nottingham College